Surveys & Progress Update
4 months ago
– Mon, Oct 28, 2024 at 02:03:07 PM
We currently are missing approximately 20% of backer survey responses through the pledge manager. Sometimes those emails are missed as they get stuck in junk or spam folders. For backers who have not received the survey email yet - we can have them resent through Backerkit. But there also is a direct option for you to go through in which you can skip the email process and go directly into your fulfillment account. Go to this link and once you enter your email information it should find your order directly to complete the process:
We are running behind on the production of the books for a rather unusual reason. There's currently a shortage of gilding at book printers which is used to add the gold to the edges of the paper. We are talking to the printer weekly as they source new material to use in the production of the Gargoyles deluxe editions. We believe the wait is coming to an end and we should have more information on the completion of printing and delivery shortly. We are going to make a concerted effort to get updates posted regularly for everyone while we get through the temporary delay. Thank you for your patience with this project.
Gargoyles Collections Update 9-6-24
6 months ago
– Fri, Sep 06, 2024 at 06:05:13 AM
Hello Gargoyles fans,
We’re thrilled to confirm for everyone that the Gargoyles collections are heading to press! We've asked the factory to provide some photos as the technicians work to make sure the quality is the best it can be for these special books and we'll provide those as they become available. We hope to have additional updates on the progress in the upcoming weeks. It is a multi-week process to print, trim, and bind these books followed by a period of shipping. But we’ll keep you notified every step of the way.
Also please check your email (and junk folder just in case) for the pledge manager information. We are collecting addresses currently to prepare for shipping when the books are in hand. Thank you!
Gargoyles Update 8-15-24
7 months ago
– Thu, Aug 15, 2024 at 11:31:38 AM
Hello Gargoyles fans,
The printer has confirmed they have the paper needed for the Hardcovers and Premier editions at this time and we will be able to start printing very soon. We expect that the print files will be accepted by the printer by the end of next week or the week after at the latest. We will need to review the files for approval. Once done, that means printing should begin in earnest with any luck soon. The printer should be able to confirm for us and maybe even provide some photos of the process that we can share in the future. We will keep you posted on the progress as it continues.
In the meantime - here is a look at an additional sketch covers that Ken Haeser will be providing for the lucky backers of the original commissioned cover art pre-order level.
Gargoyles Collections Update 7-15-24
8 months ago
– Mon, Jul 15, 2024 at 08:03:48 AM
Hello Gargoyles fans,
We’re back with another update about the progress of the Gargoyles 30th Anniversary collections. We have sign off on the print files and we’re now tweaking the format to fit the printer’s needs for manufacturing. In this process we are fitting print files to print templates so that they can be read correctly by the printing presses. It is a standard process that allows for the right bleed and spacing on the printed page. We anticipate that everything will be approved with the printer in the next few weeks and printing will begin shortly following.
As we did the last few weeks – we’d like to share a preview of the remastered interiors of Gargoyles Volume 3. These pages are from the Amaze Ink/SLG series of the Bad Guys story originally published in 2007.
As a reminder – if you have any questions or concerns about this project or any other, please reach out to us at [email protected] for assistance. We should have another update coming next week.
Gargoyles Collections Update 7-3-24
8 months ago
– Wed, Jul 03, 2024 at 12:58:24 PM
Hello Gargoyles fans,
We wanted to share a new update with you as we proceed through the process of printing the Gargoyles 30th Anniversary collections. The approval files are coming down the homestretch and should be cleared soon to be sent to the printer. At the factory – the printer has obtained the interior papers that are being used for the softcover editions. They are working to secure the stock needed for the hardcover and Premier editions. Those should be available very shortly.
In the meantime – as we did with the last update – we want to share a few pages from the remastered interiors of Gargoyles Volume 2. These pages are from the Amaze Ink/SLG series of 12 issues originally published in 2006.
Thanks for your support of our Gargoyles project! Watch for more updates coming soon.