

Created by Dynamite Entertainment

Long Out Of Print Gargoyles Comics Featuring Stories by Greg Weisman Are Collected Into New Remastered Graphic Novels!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Gargoyles 30th Anniversary Collections Production Update
9 months ago – Thu, Jun 20, 2024 at 05:20:31 PM

Hello Gargoyles fans,

It's been a bit since our last update! We have completed the remastering and formatting of the books. We believe these collections will look fantastic when they are printed.

We are also working with the printer who has collected the raw materials needed for the deluxe covers. The Premier edition books will be oversized works of art when they are finished, and we cannot wait to share manufacturing details and progress with you.  

We're hopeful that as printing begins, we will be able to supply updates of substance more frequently. In the meantime, we'd like to share some preview pages with you from each volume over the next few weeks as the final files are sent to press. In this first update we're showing some pages from Gargoyles Volume 1. These are the original Marvel issues of Gargoyles that collect the stories from 1995.

We'd also like to get our contact information out to anyone that has questions or concerns about this or any other project. You can reach us at [email protected] at any time.

Thanks for your support of this project. Watch for more updates coming soon.

Gargoyles Production Update - Printing Preparation Status
10 months ago – Fri, May 24, 2024 at 01:12:25 PM

Hello Gargoyles fans,

We have been very busy working on prepping the print files for these fantastic new volumes of classic Gargoyles graphic novels.  Our production team and editors are getting the print files ready and soon we'll be off to press with the books.  We will keep you posted as we start the printing process so everyone can follow along as we go through the steps and look forward to these beautiful books arriving.

Thank you for supporting the Gargoyles collections.  We are doing everything we can to make sure you love the books as much as we do.  

Special Thank You Surprise Announcement
about 1 year ago – Mon, Feb 05, 2024 at 11:49:40 AM

We have a special “thank you” surprise that we want to share with the backers of this project. Many people have asked about a stretch goal, and because of the strong support for the project, we are happy to announce that acclaimed artist Drew Moss (Gargoyles: Dark Ages) has drawn an exclusive new cover for a special variant edition of Gargoyles: Quest #1 that we will give away to every product backer who contributes to the campaign. We had been holding back on revealing this news until we began to approach the $400,000 threshold, but then we reached — and surpassed — that milestone so quickly that we didn’t have time to announce it in advance!

Here are the details: Every product backer who contributes up to $200 will receive a Standard Trade Dress edition of this exclusive comic, and backers who contribute over $200 will receive an even rarer No Trade Dress edition, showcasing Drew’s amazing art in all its unobscured glory. Both editions are exclusive items reserved for the backers of this project, and either one will be an awesome addition to your Gargoyles collection.

Gargoyles fans’ passion for the series’ stories, both old and new, has inspired us, and we are thrilled to be delivering these wonderful out-of-print classics as well as developing a full slate of new projects with Greg Weisman spinning new Gargoyles tales in the monthly comics.

Thank you for your purchase of the new Gargoyles collections, and for your support of this fantastic property. We’re thrilled to be bringing official Gargoyles adventures back to all of the fans!

Gargoyles 30th Anniversary Collection Milestone Achieved!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Jan 11, 2024 at 02:33:15 PM

Thank you to all of the faithful Gargoyles fans who pre-ordered the beautiful 30th Anniversary editions! Our first Milestone has been achieved. Your excitement for the new collections is infectious and we're thrilled to be bringing these fun out-of-print comics back for everyone to enjoy.